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It provides a complete health, fitness, social wellness program members a well-equipped gm.

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And LifeFit Beach brgs concept a whole new level older adults. Everone knows regular exercise is a good thg. That feelg described as euphoria b runners serious aletes is ten accompanied b a positive energizg outlook on life. These endorphs teract bra receprs that reduce perception pa trigger positive feelgs bod, similar that morphe. bodies release chemicals called endorphs. When people exercise, ir r Ala Donl (below, center) is students He Galvan Josie Xg. The center cludes a logical benefit regular phsical activit, weight room a 7,000-square-foot fitness floor cardio maches. Improved self-esteem is a ke pscholifefit members have a lot fun liftg weights ger. On a bluster da last month, 17,000-square-foot center t Long Beach campus was buzzg people high on endorphs. It is one components Calia State Universit s new Age Friendl Communit Initiatives, it can help people sta oung. CERT TRAINING Sign up classes that start April b Ruth Osborn LifeFit Beach is a littleknown gem a resce, specificall founded cater 50-plus communit, that cludes Leisure World. TOWN HALL What: GRF Facilities & Amenities Town Hall When: 1 p.m., March 20 Where: Clubhouse 4 The Golden Ra Foundation will host a wn hall on GRF Facilities Amenities. Nearb Calia State Universit, Long Beach, has a new focus on Age Friendl Communit Initiatives (AFCIs), which cludes LifeFit Beach, a state-art health-fitness facilit exclusivel members age 49-plus.

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The message da is that it s possible fd meang purpose at ever stage life. Bab boomers are stampedg older age, are makg jne an terestg fruitful time life. Move More, Age Less is goal There has never been a better time grow old. 1 ONLINE DEALS OF THE WEEK MaNEW GOLF RULES Leisure World golfers have new rules when hittg cse The Anaheim Ducks will take on Wnepeg Jets on March 20 at Honda Center.

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